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The Indic-Computing Project > Design Axes for Indian Language Computing > Acknowledgments

5 Acknowledgments

The Indic-Computing Project uses the facilities offered by SourceForge. We are indebted to them for their support.

This document arose out of the discussions, over many cups of coffee, that I had with friends and colleagues interested in the field of Indian language computing. I would like to thank the following people for sharing their thoughts and for helping increase the information content of this article:

I would also like to thank Alok Kumar, K. Nagarajan, Sudha K. V. and Tapan Parikh, for having spent time reviewing the early drafts of this document. SourceForge community member brewthatistrue suggested many improvements to the article's language.

The responsibility for errors and omissions, of course, falls on me.

5.1 About the author

Joseph Koshy has been working in the Indian computer industry since 1990. He is a developer of the FreeBSD open-source operating system, founder/developer at the Indic-Computing Project and the ELF Toolchain Project and is a contributor to other open-source projects.

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Copyright © 2001--2009 The Indic-Computing Project.
Contact: jkoshy
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