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Design Goals

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The Indic-Computing Project > Indic-Computing Documentation Infrastructure > Design Goals

2 Design Goals

The major design goals for our documentation system are:

Design Goals

  1. Support for a variety of distribution formats, so that our documentation is viewable on a wide variety of platforms. Further, our system should be adaptable to newer distribution formats as and when they become popular.

  2. Our documentation should be capable of being processed on systems without native support for the languages being described. There are a few reasons for this design requirement:

    • We are attempting to describe the linguistic properties of a number of indian languages which may not have associated character set standards in place.

    • Further, support for even those indian languages that have standardization in place is today weak (or non-existent) on many computer systems. We cannot rely on support for a given language being natively part of the system on which the documentation is being processed.

    • Finally, in the case of a few indian languages, the standards themselves are under dispute or have not been clearly specified, leading to implementation dependent variations in text-processing behavior.

  3. Our documentation system should be built over portable tools, allowing it to be used on a wide variety of systems.

  4. Our documentation system should be designed for longevity.

    • wherever possible, we attempt use open-source tools so that our delivery capability is not jeopardized by the ups and downs in the commercial world.

    • wherever possible, we attempt to use technologies that are open standards, in preference to proprietary technologies.

  5. The documentation system should support collaborative development of documentation across the Internet. This allows us to tap into the power of the open-source development model.

  6. Our documentation system should be clone-able, so that other linguistic groups can reuse our infrastructure without having to re-invent the wheel.

  7. Finally, the infrastructure should be relatively complete; it should be possible to do everything required within the framework of the documentation infrastructure.

2.1 Implementation choices

The current design meets these design goals reasonably well, but not perfectly. Our design goals led to the following implementation choices.

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