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The Indic-Computing Project > Subprojects


All work in this project is being done by volunteers. If you would like to see something happen (or happen faster), please contribute.

Our work is mostly infrastructural in character. The broad areas we are working on are:

The Indic-Computing Handbook

The charter of this subproject is to capture technical knowledge about Indian language processing in a freely available Handbook. This subproject requires volunteers with software development and linguistic expertise.

The Indic-Computing Technology Map

The Indic-Computing Technology Map surveys existing Indian language capable software packages, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. It features ``recipes'' and cheat-sheets suggesting possible combinations of packages that would fulfill common indian-language processing needs.

The Technology Map is currently being designed. Please get in touch with Tapan S. Parikh <tap2k(@)> for more information.

The Indic-Computing Bootable CD
Creating a bootable image of an open source operating system that supports Indian language processing ``out of the box''.
Translation Manager Software
Software to assist translations of documentation to Indian languages, including scripts and languages that do not have support in existing character encoding standards like Unicode.
Other Infrastructure
Other tools for building Indian language computing infrastructure.

You can browse our roadmap page to get a sense of our priorities.


Downloadable packages and source tarballs are listed at our project-wide download page and also within each sub-projects description.

Copyright © 2001--2009 The Indic-Computing Project.
Contact: jkoshy
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