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The Indic-Computing Project > Subprojects > Roadmap


After putting up arbitrary milestone dates and then missing them with unfortunate regularity, we have now adopted the motto of Computer Science Research Group at UC Berkeley (the creators of BSD Unix), namely, ``our software and documentation will be released when it is ready''. :)

Given the complexity of the tasks that we are attempting to solve and the paucity of developer time, this seems to be the only prudent philosophy to adopt.

Major software and documentation releases from this project will be announced on the low-volume indic-computing-announce mailing list. The indic-computing-cvs-logs mailing list carries notifications of all changes to our source base and is a great way to keep tabs on the projects progress.

Task List

The major activity in the project appears to be on the following fronts:

These are taken up in detail below. A separate section covers the other sub-projects.

The complete list of our sub-projects can be found at our sub-projects page.

The Handbook and related documentation


We will make the first release of our Handbook when we have in place at least the following:

All the above content would need to be reviewed by at least one more competent authority in addition to the content's primary author.

In addition to the documentation, the following software tools have to be in place before a release can happen:

Our handbook projects page lists all the software development needed for the Handbook.


We will make a downloadable release of our FAQ when it reaches a suitable size (say when it contains hex 100 questions and answers.

Technology Map

We will make a downloadable release of the information in our proposed Technology Map when it reaches a level where it contains significant content (say hex 100 reviews).

System software development

The libraries and utilities that we are creating fall into this category.


The Translib transliteration library attempts to provide a generic transliteration and glyph layout library for indian languages. This will be released when it meets the following criteria:

The Font Annotator tool is meant to speed up the creation of the font maps that Translib uses.

Python FreeType V2 bindings

This project is needed for a number of other tools, including the Font Annotator, and the Translation Manager among others. Its release will be done when it meets the following criteria.

Other Sub-projects

Our other sub-projects are either not in the critical path of any of our immediate initiatives or do not have active volunteers behind them.

All other things being equal, we would probably take up these projects in the approximate order below:

Copyright © 2001--2009 The Indic-Computing Project.
Contact: jkoshy
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