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Indic-Computing: Frequently Asked Questions

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The Indic-Computing Project > Indic-Computing: Frequently Asked Questions

Indic-Computing: Frequently Asked Questions

The Indic-Computing Project

This is the FAQ for the Indic-Computing Project. It lists some of the frequently asked questions about the project and about the field of indian language computing.

If you would like to propose a question, provide an answer, or refine an existing answer, please send mail to Indic-Computing developers mailing list .

Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1. Organization of this document
1.2. Contributing to this FAQ
2 The Indic-Computing Project
3 Indian Languages
3.1 Kannada
3.2 Malayalam
4 Character Encodings
5 Fonts
6 Display and Print
7 Miscellaneous
List of Tables
3-1. Malayalam chillaksharams

This, and other project documentation, can be downloaded from [ ].

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Contact: jkoshy
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