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Indian Languages

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The Indic-Computing Project > Indic-Computing: Frequently Asked Questions > Indian Languages

Chapter 3 Indian Languages

Table of Contents
3.1 Kannada
3.2 Malayalam

Frequently asked questions about Indian Languages

3.1. How many languages are there in India?
3.2. Where can I find out more about the languages of India?

3.1. How many languages are there in India?

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a single answer to this question.

According to the Language In India page containing data from the 1991 Census of India, there are a total of 114 languages with more than 10,000 speakers, of which 18 are ``Scheduled Languages'' and 96 are not specified in the schedule. The census also mentions 216 ``mother tongues''. The Census India page has a break up of the major languages and the number of speakers of the language.

The Ethnologue Report for India estimates that 850 languages are in daily use in India., however, claims that there are 407 living languages and 11 extinct ones in India.

3.2. Where can I find out more about the languages of India?

Online Resources

3.1 Kannada

Frequently asked questions about Kannada

3.1.1. What is the KGP?

3.1.1. What is the KGP?

KGP stands for Kannada Ganaka Parishat (approximate translation: Kannada Computing Group). The Kannada Ganaka Parishat is a non-profit organization devoted to improving the support of Kannada in computing.

The KGP has proposed a character encoding scheme for Kannada named KSCLP (Kannada Standard Code for Language Processing), and have also proposed a keyboard layout for Kannnada that they claim has advantages over other keyboard layouts. Some of their recommendations have been adopted by the Government of Karnataka.

The KGP's website is at

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